
23 Maret 2011

Vacancy : Technical Training Coordinator (IOM)

International Organization for Migration (IOM) Indonesia is looking for Technical Training Coordinator according to the terms of reference below. Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications to not later than 28 March 2011 indicating the reference code below as subject. All candidates are requested to specify their availability date in the application form. Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Reference No : SVN/ID10/2011/009
Position Title : Technical Training Coordinator
Classification : Employee, Grade 5/1
Duty Station : Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Type & duration of contract : Special All Inclusive, 3 months.

General Functions :
Under the direct supervision of the Project Manager (PM), the Technical Training Coordinator will undertake provision of technical training for micro-and small enterprises under the Java Reconstruction Fund (JRF) livelihood recovery project for earthquake-affected regions in Yogyakarta and Central Java. In particular he/she will:

1. Assist to design and execute market research activities, feasibility studies, value chain analysis and needs assessments to inform the design of interventions for the targeted beneficiaries;
2. Develop terms of reference for technical training components, in areas such as sustainable agriculture, product value-adding, design, clean production, biogas generation and micro-finance;
3. In close coordination with HR Unit, identify needs for staffing, expert resources and consultants and undertake recruitment to this end;
4. Develop and administer technical trainings targeting micro-and small enterprises with a particular focus on small-holder agriculture, livestock breeding and batik;
5. Develop and update a work plan for implementation of technical trainings in line with agreed targets and expected project outcomes;
6. Draft cost-effective training budgets and assist in the procurement of consultant organizations; monitor the implementation of technical assistance and ensure compliance of service providers with their contractual obligations vis-à-vis IOM;
7. Ensure timely transfer of funds to consultants in accordance with payment schedules and agreed achievement milestones;
8. Ensure coordination and sharing of vital information with other IOM units and departments in Yogyakarta;
9. Oversee a programme of micro-credit training and collaborate with partner implementing agencies for referrals of IOM beneficiaries to local micro-finance institutions;
10. Expand/develop an existing database to ensure that outputs and achievements are adequately recorded; feed updated data to the IOM Information Management, Monitoring & Evaluation Unit (IME);
11. Assist the Project Manager to supervise project assistants and individual consultants;
12. Attend meetings, forums and capacity-building workshops, as requested by the PM;
13. Act with integrity and professionalism at all times;
14. Undertake other duties as assigned by the PM.

Desirable qualifications:
University degree, preferably in Agricultural Economics, Finance, Business Administration, Rural Development Studies or alternatively, a combination of related education and professional experience; at least three years of professional experience with agriculture, livelihood and/or small business development projects; familiarity with sustainable/integrated agriculture methods and concepts, organic farming and/or livestock breeding; previous experience in undertaking research, particularly regarding value chains;
Solid reporting abilities; computer literate (word-processing, excel, powerpoint, database); high level of personal commitment, efficiency, flexibility, quick-footedness and results orientation Effective organizational skill and ability to establish priorities and plans, ability to work under pressure and cope with deadlines. Excellent written and spoken communications skills, good interpersonal skills, high loyalty, ability to work in a multi -cultural environment and good working in team. Ability to work with minimum supervision.
Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia both oral and written



Action Contre la Faim – Indonesia Mission

Code : RJO/010/LOG/LogAdmin/III/11
Location/base : Yogyakarta
Start date : asap
Duration of contract : until August 31st, 2011

Objective 1: Organize and manage the base’s Logistics and Administration Finance
- Monitors closely the financial management (bank account opening/closing, Forecast, revision of Forecast, ACF purchasing procedure, budget follow up, accountancy bundles send to Capital).
- Supervises the preparation and closing of the monthly account (cash book, bank book, no missing invoices, no cash loss, bank reconciliation).
- Manages money transfers from the Capital, in accordance with security guidelines. HR management
- Staff management in collaboration with Administration in Jakarta. (including making sure that all base staff have received an up-to-date Job desk, working contract, and information about ACF staff regulations and charter)
- Staff recruitment (test and interviews) following HR Guidelines.
- Ensure the good preparation of monthly payroll and Jamsostek payment, and send in respect of planning to Jakarta for validation
- Monthly HR report
- Ensure the respect of ACF staff regulations and HR procedures Programs:
o Supports the program managers for all administrative (financial and human resources) issues, including recruitment of staff, staff management, Forecast preparation, budget follow-up, preparation of new budgets, etc.
o Liaises with local NGO partners on contractual issues

- Supervision of the whole logistics process in Yogyakarta base and in the field sub-bases, including:
o Logistics Department human resources
o Contracts for vehicles, premises, etc.
o Vehicle management and maintenance
o The supply chain (including reception and processing of orders, order follow-ups)
o Logistics files and documentation
o Stock management and monthly stock reports
o Monthly logistics report

Objective 2: Supervise the follow-up of the log/admin procedure in ACF local partner
o Develop the proper tools for the logistics procedure of the partner, in accordance with Kit Log V3
o Develop the proper tools for the financial procedure of the partner
o Audits accounts of local NGO partners as necessary.
o Ensures that the security guidelines are followed and respected by the local partner

Objective 3:
Manage the security of the base.
o Write and implements the Yogyakarta security plan
o Ensures that the security guidelines are followed and respected
o Sensitizes local NGO partners on security issues
o Reviews and revises (when necessary) the security guidelines
o Manages staff movements according to program priorities and security information.
o Gathers security and political information through ACF staff, community, authorities, other NGOs and provides written analysis reports (in the monthly sitrep or ad hoc as required)

Objective 4:
Represent ACF at province level
o Liaises with local communities
o Works with province / district / sub-district and village level authorities on program issues (reports, co-ordination, information, etc) in close collaboration with the technical teams.
o Represents ACF towards GoI and humanitarian actors (namely: attends cross- sector coordination meetings and other non-technical meetings, compiles ad-hoc reports for local authorities)
o Ensures that communities and authorities understand ACF charter and

Objective 5: Facilitate communication and integration between the different
o Organizes, animates, and prepares minutes for weekly base meetings
o Encourages cohesion between the different departments of the base
o Prepares monthly sitrep in collaboration with program managers

Objective 6: Contribute to continual analysis of humanitarian situation in Yogyakarta and adaptation of ACF strategy.
o Collects information from media, authorities, and other NGO’s on
humanitarian situation.
o Participates actively in strategy meetings at base and mission level.

- Graduated in university in Economics/Logistic/Administration with an experience in humanitarian projects
- Outstanding oral and written skills in Bahasa and English
- Relational and diplomatic qualities
- Capacity to analyze and have a global approach
- Capacity to organize the work and supervise a team
- Experience in problematic related to humanitarian & team management
- Computer skills
- Financial management & Accountancy

Please submit your CV and Application Letter in English with at least two references to : before Friday, March 25th, 2011 attn. to Human Resources Manager. Please put the code & title of position on your application. Due to the need the applications will be processed soon before closing date.

Only short list candidates will be contacted, tested and interviewed. All ACF members are committed to respect the 6 leading principles of the organization: independence, non-discrimination, free and direct access to victims, professionalism and transparency. ACF is an equal opportunity employer.


16 Maret 2011

Vacancy : Junior Facilitator at Muslim Aid

Under Service Contract between Muslim Aid - International Organization for Migration (IOM) Yogyakarta to provide a high qualification Technical Support Staff to IOM Yogyakarta, Muslim Aid Yogyakarta is currently looking for a qualified and committed candidate to fill the following position:

Position title : Junior Facilitator ( 2 staff)
Duty Station : Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Type of Contract : 1 month (with possibility of extension)
Gross Salary : Rp. 2.850.000,

General functions:
Under the direct supervision of the Livelihood Field Supervisor (FS) and under the overall supervision of the Community Engagement Coordinator, the Junior facilitator will assist in implementation and monitoring of field activities under the Java Reconstruction Fund (JRF)- funded Livelihood project implemented by IOM in Yogyakarta and Central Java. In particular he/she will :
1. Assist FS and the Field Assistant (FA) in implementing project activities, working closely with communities and local partners in government and civil society.
2. Assist FS and FA in socialization meetings and focus group discussions in the village/sub-village, ensuring the inclusion of women and vulnerable community members.
3. Provide on-going technical assistance and support in the field to communities and partners, promoting transparency and accountability;
4. Conduct frequent monitoring of target community groups collecting quantitative and qualitative data on individual beneficiaries.
5. Assist FS and FA to build and manage relations with local project participants in the village, such as heads of villages, religious leaders, women’s groups, local NGOs and specialized government agencies, to ensure their active participation and contribution to the IOM project;
6. Assist in the oversight of IOM’s complaints handling mechanism at the field level.
7. Assist in undertaking initiatives promoting IOM’s image and activities in the earthquake affected region
8. Perform other duties as may be assigned.

Desirable Qualifications:

• Hold at least D3 degree in social sciences (e.g. economics, rural development, business administration, management, communication, anthropology, etc) or alternatively combination of related education and professional experience
• Is comfortable with public speaking
• Previous experience in livelihood, SME’s activities, training and facilitation work
• Willingness to spend a significant amount of time in the field facilitating beneficiaries and building relationship with community stakeholders
• Ability to prepare quickly concise reports and input database
• Computer literate (word-processing, spreadsheet, Power Point, e-mail exchange)
• Personal commitment, efficiency, flexibility, drive for results and
• Excellent interpersonal skills and demonstrated ability to work effectively in team situations.
• Excellent oral and written communication skills
• Fluency in Javanese preferable, English ability is advantageous.
• Be prepared to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines.

Please Notice:
- Applicants should submit a cover letter stating current and updated CV (including at least three references with contact information) as attachment to quoting the position applied as the subject of the e-mail. Example : Junior Facilitator, Subject must be: [JF] Your Name. Applications must be submitted at the latest 3 (three) days after the vacancy published and the attachment should not exceed 200 Kb. Muslim Aid gives an equal-opportunity employment regardless of race, gender, or religion.
- To current employee of IOM – Muslim Aid Yogyakarta, please make sure you have permission from your supervisor if you wish to apply for this position.


6 Maret 2011

IOM-JRF Gelar Simulasi Tanah Longsor di Krikilan, Klaten

Dalam rangka mendukung program pemulihan ekonomi pascagempa 2006, International Organization for Migration (IOM) yang didukung oleh lembaga donor Java Reconstruction Fund (JRF) menyelenggarakan pelatihan Pengurangan Risiko Bencana Berbasis Komunitas (PRBBK) di Desa Krikilan, Bayat, Klaten, Jawa Tengah, pada Minggu (6/3), mulai pukul 09.00 WIB hingga selesai.

Dalam program ini, akan diadakan simulasi bencana tanah longsor yang merupakan salah satu potensi Desa Krikilan. Tujuannya, untuk memperkuat kapasitas masyarakat Krikilan dalam menghadapi kemungkinan bencana yang berpotensi muncul di desa ini, terutama tanah longsor. Lebih jauh lagi adalah untuk mengamankan aset penghidupan yang selama ini sudah didukung oleh IOM dalam Proyek Pemulihan Mata Pencaharian IOM-JRF dari risiko-risiko bencana tersebut.

Setidaknya, ada 4 kali pelatihan dalam Program Pelatihan PRBBK IOM-JRF sepanjang 16 Desember 2010 sampai dengan 13 Januari 2011. Yaitu Pelatihan PRBBK untuk Kelompok Perempuan, Pelatihan PRBBK untuk Pemangku Kepentingan Desa, Pelatihan PRBBK untuk Tim Siaga bencana desa.

Hasil-hasil dari pelatihan PRBBK IOM-JRF di Desa Krikilan nantinya akan dibentuk tim siaga bencana desa Krikilan, peta ancaman dan jalur evakuasi bencana desa, peta kerentananan desa, dokumen rencana kontinjensi dan SOP Simulasi Penanggulangan Bencana Desa.

Jumlah penerima manfaat dari pelatihan PRBBK IOM-JRF ini adalah sebanyak 60 orang, yang terdiri dari 37 peserta perempuan dan 23 peserta laki-laki. Tim siaga bencana desa yang terbentuk terdiri dari 30 orang (14 laki-laki dan 17 Perempuan).

Eka Sri Purwanta, SE., Kepala Desa Krikilan mengucapkan rasa terima kasihnya atas pendampingan yang dilakukan IOM selama ini. IOM sudah memberikan dorongan untuk memotivasi masyarakat Krikilan untuk bisa bangkit dari keterpurukan karena gempa melalui ilmu pengetahuan dan bantuan-bantuan lainnya yang diberikan selama ini.

Dijelaskan lebih lanjut, PRBBK yang diselenggarakan IOM sangat membantu masyarakat Krikilan untuk bisa lebih memahami tindakan-tindakan apa yang harus dilakukan masyarakat jika terjadi bencana di Krikilan dengan tujuan untuk meminimalisir kerugian dan risiko lainnya.

Demi membantu mengupayakan pengurangan resiko bencana di level desa dari segi infrastruktur, IOM-JRF juga bekerja secara erat dengan Tim Siaga Bencana untuk mengidentifikasi kebutuhan pembangunan prasarana mitigasi bencana dengan launching pembangunan RMI (Risk Mitigating Infrastructure-Prasarana Bermitigasi Bencana) berupa talud jalur evakuasi longsor di Desa Krikilan sepanjang 20 meter dengan lebar atas 30 cm, lebar bawah 1,6 meter dan tinggi 3,5 meter.

Sekilas Proyek Pemulihan Mata Pencaharian IOM-JRF di Desa Krikilan, Klaten

Proyek Pemulihan Mata Pencaharian IOM-JRF sedang mendukung 4.300 usaha mikro dan kecil (UMKM) di Provinsi DI Yogyakarta dan Jawa Tengah dalam pemulihan usaha mereka setelah bencana gempa yang terjadi pada 27 Mei 2006. Proyek Pemulihan Mata Pencaharian IOM-JRF ini dimulai sejak Maret 2008 dan di bawah pengelolaan World Bank. JRF adalah dana hibah multidonor yang didukung oleh Komisi Eropa, Pemerintah Belanda, Inggris, Kanada, Finlandia dan Denmark, serta Asian Development Bank.

Di Desa Krikilan, IOM-JRF mendampingi warga dalam pelatihan pembuatan cone ice cream dengan variasi ukuran dan rasa, serta penggunaan bahan makanan yang sehat. Juga pelatihan sablon untuk ice cream cup yang berbahan dasar kertas.

Di sektor peternakan, IOM-JRF mendampingi warga dalam pelatihan tentang kesehatan kambing, pemilihan pakan kambing, pencatatan monitoring kesehatan kambing, manajemen kandang yang sehat. Juga pelatihan tambahan untuk kader kesehatan ternak yang dipilih dari masing-masing kelompok

Masing-masing sektor juga didampingi dalam Pelatihan Access to Finance (Pelatihan bagi kelompok dalam rangka menyiapkan kelompok untuk mengakses ke lembaga keuangan) serta Pelatihan Marketing dan Promosi demi pengembangan jejaring pemasaran dan promosi usaha.


4 Maret 2011

Urgent Vacancy : Field Assistant

Muslim Aid is an international charity and development agency based in London with 25 years of experience in helping to create a safer and more dignified life for disaster and conflict affected people across the globe. We are currently operating in more than 70 countries with 13 field offices. Our vision is a world of peace, compassion and justice where all people achieve fulfillment in all aspects of their lives. In Indonesia our main programs include Flood mitigation, Shelter and Livelihoods with our Field Office based in Banda Aceh and further sub-offices in Jakarta, Yogyakarta, and Padang.

Under Service Contract between Muslim Aid - International Organization for Migration (IOM) Yogyakarta to provide a high qualification Technical Support Staff to IOM Yogyakarta, Muslim Aid Yogyakarta is currently looking for a qualified and committed candidate to fill the following position:

Position title : Field Assistant
Duty Station : Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Type of Contract : 1 month (with possibility of extension)
Gross Salary : Rp. 3.600.000,00

General functions:
Under the direct supervision of the Livelihood Field Supervisor and under the overall supervision of the Community Engagement Coordinator, the Field Assistant will provide technical support in the implementation and monitoring of field activities under a livelihood project funded by the Java Reconstruction Fund (JRF) for Yogyakarta and Central Java. In particular he/she will :
1.Assist the Field Supervisor and Community Engagement Coordinator to implement project activities, working closely with beneficiaries, communities and partners in government and civil society.
2.Oversee and coordinate the activities of Junior Facilitator.
3.Facilitate focus group discussions in communities, ensuring the inclusion of women and the most vulnerable.
4.Provide on-going technical assistance and support in the field to communities, as well as to junior facilitators and partners to ensure effective implementation of project activities while promoting transparency and accountability
5.Conduct frequent monitoring of target community groups, collecting quantitative and qualitative data on individual beneficiaries.
6.Support the beneficiary selection process and verification of eligibility
7.Draft concise monitoring reports for the Field Supervisor on a weekly basis assessing progress and constraints in implementation and identifying practical solutions for follow up
8.Build and manage relations with key local stakeholders on village level, e.g. heads of villages, religious leaders, women’s groups, local NGOs and specialized government agencies to ensure their active participation and endorsement of IOM project ctivities.
9.Assist in undertaking initiatives promoting IOM’s image and activities in the project locations.
Perform other duties as may be assigned Desirable Qualifications:
• Hold at least S1 degree in social sciences (e.g. economics, rural development, business administration, management, communication, anthropology, etc) or alternatively combination or related education and professional experience
• Self-confident and comfortable with public speaking
• Previous experience in livelihood, SME activities, training and facilitation work
• Willingness to spend a significant amount of time in the field facilitating beneficiaries and building relationship with community stakeholders
• Good reporting skills
• Experience working in International and/or local NGOs is preferred
• Computer literate (word-processing, spreadsheet, Power Point, e-mail
• Personal commitment, efficiency, flexibility, drive for results, creative thinking and punctual
• Excellent oral and written communications skills
• Fluency in Javanese would be a distinct advantage, basic spoken English
viewed favorably
• Be prepared to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines.

Please Notice:
- Applicants should submit a cover letter stating current and updated CV
(including at least three references with contact information) as attachment to quoting the position applied as the subject of the
e-mail. Example : Field Assistant, Subject must be: [FA] Your Name.
- Applications must be submitted at the latest 3 (three) days after the vacancy
published and the attachment should not exceed 200 Kb. Muslim Aid gives an
equal-opportunity employment regardless of race, gender, or religion.
- To current employee of IOM – Muslim Aid Yogyakarta, please make sure
you have permission from your supervisor if you wish to apply for this position.
